The Parallel Corpus German Spanish, PaGeS, is a bilingual parallel corpus Spanish<>German and in its core part contains only original texts published by publishers in Spanish or German and their respective translations. This core corpus, which has been manually revised, consists of about 34 million words, and the supplements amount to a further 85 million words. It is freely accessible online and offers a wide range of search options.

The Parallel Corpus English<>Spanish, PaEnS, is a bilingual parallel corpus of English<>Spanish. Its core contains original texts published by publishers in English or Spanish and their respective translations. This core corpus, which has been manually revised, consists of approximately 33 million words, and the supplements add a further 115 million words. It is freely accessible online and offers a wide range of search options.

The Parallel Corpus Chinese<>Spanish, PaCheS, consists of original Chinese or Spanish texts and their translations, as well as Chinese and Spanish translations of a third language. PaCheS currently contains approximately 55 million words. It is freely accessible online and offers a wide range of search options.

The Parallel Corpus French<>Spanish, PaFreS, is composed of original French or Spanish texts and their translation, as well as French and Spanish translations of a third language. PaFreS currently contains around 110 million words. It is freely accessible online and offers a wide range of search options.